Hair loss in men: why men go bald

In fashion and beauty magazines, you can read tips on how to care for women's hair. Today we will also talk about hair, but in a slightly different light.

In this article we will tell you how to stop hair loss in men, what are the causes of hair loss in men. Why do hair fall in men, and what to do when hair falls in men.

Men's Hair Loss: Heredity

Sonia Badreschia-Bensal, a well-known dermatologist and professor at the University of California, claims that heredity is the first reason that provokes hair loss in men.

There is a thought that hair loss in men is transmitted through the paternal line, but in reality you can get this gene from both dad and mom.

If both parents have hair problems, the risk of getting bad hair in heredity increases.vypadeniye - volos - u - muzhchin (2)

When hair loss in men, doctors recommend a comprehensive hair treatment to strengthen the hair follicles, maximizing the life of the hair.

To find out if you are really losing your hair, you can do a scalp biopsy that will tell you if you are left without hair or not.

Preventive hair treatment in men will strengthen the hair, and allow new follicles to form.

Why hair loss occurs in men: telogen miasma

If you have telogen miasma, beware of stress, because you risk losing all hair.

For this reason, hair loss in men is called by dermatologist Amy McMichael, who works at Winston-Salem Medical Center. As the doctor explains, a man can usually lose 50 - 100 hair per day.

Doctors also name a number of reasons that affect hair loss in men, among which it is worth noting all kinds of surgical interventions with anesthesia, viral diseases, lack of iron in the body, emotional malfunctions and neurological diseases.

Hair loss in men can develop due to malnutrition

It would seem trite. Everyone is talking about proper nutrition, why bring it here. But the way a man eats is an integral factor in influencing the growth and health of male hair.

About a healthy diet, as a factor in healthy male hair, says Parady Mirmirani of California, MD.

vypadeniye - volos - u - muzhchin (1)If a man lacks protein, anemia is present, or weight loss can be traced against a background of nervous disorders and stresses, telogen miasma may develop.

To prevent hair loss in men from becoming a verdict, experts recommend, having noticed that something is wrong with the hair, consult a doctor immediately, and not think that the hair will stop falling out on its own.

A dermatologist or trichologist will examine your hairline, conduct a survey to find out all the possible reasons why the hair began to fall out, recommend treatment to stop or stop hair loss.

Also, the doctor will examine the structure of the hair root, which fell out, drawing conclusions on the type of bulb. If the bulb of the lost hair is club-shaped, this may mean that the hair grows very soon and also falls out prematurely.

Your doctor will prescribe a treatment for hair loss for men, which should affect the reason why hair falls out. The result of treatment and prevention of hair loss in men is visible after 6 months. Hair will begin to recover gradually.

Why hair loss in men: thyroid disease

The thyroid gland, which does not work properly, will in any case affect the structure of male hair, the condition of nails and skin.

Typically, thyroid problems are caused by a lack of thyroid hormones. This thyroid disease is called hypothyroidism.

According to Parady Mirmirani, hyperthyroidism, which is an overabundance of thyroid hormones, can affect the integrity of the scalp in men.

vypadeniye - volos - u - muzhchin (1)Your doctor will give you a blood test that can confirm if you have a thyroid problem or not.

If hair loss in men occurs due to improper functioning of the thyroid gland, hormonal drugs will be able to improve the picture, normalizing the hormonal background, and with it, stopping hair loss.

Remember, in no case, you should not take such medications without a doctor's prescription. So you can make it worse.

Hair loss in men can occur due to diseases of the scalp

Men who do not know why hair loss should consider the cause associated with skin diseases, in particular fungi, psoriasis, or a disease such as seborrheic dermatitis.

Fungi provoke dermatomycosis, which adversely affects the health of the hair. Having been to a doctor and diagnosed with a fungal infection, you should undergo antifungal treatment.

With seborrheic dermatitis, hair in men also falls out. This disease is characterized by symptoms such as increased production of sebum secretion, as well as a change in the chemical formula of sebum.

Usually, seborrheic dermatitis is caused by hormonal changes, neurogenic diseases. Here, treatment consists of therapeutic agents in the form of shampoos, antifungal drugs and steroid creams.

The next disease that affects hair loss in men is psoriasis. This disease is autoimmune. Plaques appear on the scalp and other places on the body of men. It is recommended to treat psoriasis with salicylic acid, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as medicines of biological origin.

vypadeniye - volos - u - muzhchin (3)A disease called focal alopecia is hair loss in small parts in certain places, which begins with small areas, and can result in complete loss of all hair on the head.

Alopecia areata must be treated, because this disease is not a sentence, and you have a chance to give your hair a second life, ”says Parady Mirmirani.

As the doctor noted, genetics, stressful situations and a bouquet of past illnesses made their contribution here, although the main cause of this disease was not named by dermatologists.

To treat hair loss in men caused by focal alopecia, experts recommend corticosteroids, a number of other medicines, the process of photochemotherapy and laser therapy.

We intentionally did not give you the full treatment regimen for diseases that provoke hair loss in men, because self-medication can not only not cure the causes of hair loss, but also make it worse, therefore we recommend that you consult a doctor with the problem of hair loss.

We hope our tips will help you understand what causes hair loss in men and what treatment for hair loss should be noted.



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