Gum disease: treatment. How to treat gums for inflammation at home

Gum disease worries so many today. This disease is clearly not one of the most “pleasant” ones, because when the gums become inflamed, it follows the appearance of a bad breath, the gums begin to bleed when brushing your teeth, and the color of the gums from normal - soft pink changes to bright red.

The first signs of gum inflammation signal that you need to go to the doctor, because this problem can subsequently lead to tooth loss.

But at the stage when the gums are very swollen, and the teeth are already at the stage of loss, you run the risk of serious irreversible consequences.

Today we will tell you what to do when the gums are inflamed, what treatment should be done when gum inflammation is just beginning.

What to do if the gums are inflamed: treatment and prevention

Gum disease has two varieties:

  • gingivitis
  • periodontitis

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How to treat gum disease

Inflammation of the gums of the first type - gingivitis - This is an inflammation of the gum portion adjacent to the tooth.

Gum disease of the second variety - periodontitisis a consequence of gingivitis, that is, its poor treatment. With periodontitis, the teeth are shaken, the roots of the tooth are exposed, there is inflammation of all the gums.

The main cause of gum disease is a careless attitude towards oral hygiene. Due to the accumulation of microbes on the teeth and gums, gum disease is provoked.

What to do if the gums are inflamed: tips

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Gum disease treatment at home

If you do not know how to treat gum disease, but signs of gingivitis on the face, run to the doctor.

A specialist dentist will remove microbial plaque from your teeth and treat your gums with an antiseptic.

If you're out of luck and your gums suffer from periodontitis, treatment may be more cardinal.

Usually with periodontitis the dentist will not only remove bacterial deposits from the surface of the teeth, but also recommend antibiotic therapy and strengthen the group of the most mobile teeth with special tires.

Gum disease treatment at home also possible. Methods of treating gum disease at home include the use of medications and other pharmaceuticals, decoctions, tinctures.

Known remedies that help treat gum disease:

  • Miramistin
  • Chlorophyllipt
  • Chlorhexidine
  • Furatsilin
  • Rotokan

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How to treat gum inflammation with pharmaceuticals

The named drugs should rinse the mouth after eating. It should also be everything in moderation: such a rinse for inflamed gums should be done no more than four and at least twice a day.

With gum disease, grandma’s herbal secrets will come to the rescue. If you prepare a rinse solution of chamomile, calendula, oak bark, gums can be cured.

To prepare this infusion for rinsing the oral cavity from medicinal herbs is quite simple. Take 1 tbsp. l above the herbs and pour boiling water (1 tbsp.). For 15-20 minutes, insist the remedy, and, of course, cool.

As well as medicinal products for rinsing, an infusion of herbs is used 2-4 times a day.

It is also important not to overdo it, because the pigments that are in the herbs can affect the color of your teeth.

In addition to yellowness, with prolonged use of herbal tinctures, a slight roughness can be felt on the teeth.

To make inflammation of the gums easier, it is necessary to apply preventive methods of treating gingivitis and periodontitis.

Choose your toothbrush correctly so that it is not too soft. Your toothpaste should contain herbal ingredients, in particular herbal extracts, which relieve inflammation.

As we already said, useful herbs for dental treatment are chamomile, calendula, oak bark.

Do not forget about rinse aid. It is good if the rinse aid is always in your purse or in the glove compartment, which will allow you to treat and disinfect your oral cavity even when you are out of the house.

We advise you to monitor your oral cavity constantly, because gum disease is a serious disease that can result in expensive dental procedures for you or even loss of teeth.

We hope our tips on how to treat gum disease, which gum treatment is most effective at home, will help you to properly prevent your oral cavity.


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