Why does varicose veins occur? Varicose veins: causes, symptoms

Kak lechit varikoz (1) Many people do not know what varicose veins are. And this is very good, so they didn’t come across it ... because varicose veins are a disease that is quite difficult to cure.

Varicose veins occur due to improper blood circulation, which for one reason or another stagnates in the veins, forming blood clots, and causing quite severe pain.

Varicose veins develop if blood circulation is impaired. Blood pressure affects the movement of blood through the veins.

Muscle contraction affects the speed of blood circulation. Excessive muscle tone provokes the expansion and lengthening of the veins, which in turn is the cause of atrophy of the nerves responsible for the tone of the veins. Kak lechit varikoz (3)

Venous valves that do not allow blood to return downward begin to wrinkle and suffer from deformation.

After some time, due to improper functioning of the circulatory system, the entire venous trunk, tributaries and capillaries suffer.

Anyone suffering from varicose veins knows that with varicose veins, the legs are covered with wriggling “patterns”, which looks just awful, because the legs get an unpleasant bluish color.

Besides the fact that aching pain accompanies patients with varicose veins, the legs look, let's say, not very pretty.

Varicose veins are a big problem for women, because wearing a beautiful short skirt will not work.Kak lechit varikoz (4)

Why does varicose veins occur: causes

Varicose veins are most often inherited, namely from the parents we can get a weak venous wall. Such unlucky veins are dilated and blood flow slows down.

Varicose veins can cause thrombophlebitis (blood clots).

Varicose veins can also occur due to heavy loads in people who are constantly on their feet.

Blood stasis in the small pelvis, and as a consequence - varicose veins can occur not only due to high activity, but also vice versa - from its absence.

At risk for varicose veins, overweight people, as well as pregnant women.Kak lechit varikoz (5)

How to understand that you will soon have varicose veins: symptoms

People who suffer from varicose veins initially feel heaviness in their legs, notice swelling of the legs in the evening, an unpleasant burning sensation in the veins, and gradual swelling of the veins.

If you have varicose veins, it is contraindicated for you to wear high-heeled shoes and too narrow shoes, and tight clothes, toe to toe, lift heavy (more than 5 kg.).

Remember, if you have symptoms of varicose veins, go to the doctor immediately. You can treat varicos with folk remedies, but it is best to consult with a specialist before learning about your diagnosis in detail.

Take care of your health! And do not be sick!

Kak lechit varikoz (6)

Why does varicose veins occur? Varicose veins: causes, symptoms

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