Caring for indoor plants in winter. How to care for indoor plants properly

Kak ukhazhivat za komnatnymi rasteniyami (5)Housewives who have just started doing indoor plants will undoubtedly be interested in how to care for indoor plants correctly.

It is especially important to know how to care for indoor plants in winter, because it is in the winter period that the care of indoor plants is special.

In this article we will tell you how to care for indoor plants and flowers in the winter so that the flowers tolerate the cold well.

Caring for indoor plants in winter, of course, is not the same, because for each flower there are rules for leaving.

Nevertheless, there are general rules for care, given that your plants will normally tolerate the heating season.

Kak ukhazhivat za komnatnymi rasteniyami (2)Indoor plants in winter need good lighting

Every plant loves the sun's rays. In winter, when the day is shorter, home plants need to organize additional lighting, for example, use a fluorescent lamp.

If possible, place your houseplants on window sills where they can enjoy direct winter lighting. If the flower lacks light, you will see this by a pale color, a slowdown in flower growth, an elongated internode.

Eliminate the lack of sunlight and the flower will recover.

Indoor plants like clean and moist air

During the heating season, when the batteries and the air heater not only heat, but also dry the air, moisten the air in the room in the morning and in the evening with a humidifier or spray gun.

Also, to moisten the air for indoor plants, use trays filled with water, and covered with expanded clay and moss, which will not allow to dry the roots of plants in winter.How to care for indoor plants

Do not overflow indoor flowers

In winter, do not water the indoor flowers very much, as this can harm them, because they are at rest. Nevertheless, consider the features of the flower. Perhaps the plant will not mind heavy watering. Use water at room temperature for watering.

Do I need to fertilize indoor plants in winter

It is more likely that in winter the plants will not need fertilizer, therefore it is not worthwhile to fertilize indoor flowers during the rest in large quantities.

For indoor plants that need top dressing, you need to reduce the number of top dressings up to once a month.Kak ukhazhivat za komnatnymi rasteniyami (4)

Do not leave plants in the draft

If you ventilate the room by opening a window, it is better to rearrange the plants in another place so that the frosty air does not harm them.

For most indoor plants, the optimum temperature for wintering is not lower than +15 degrees.

We hope that our tips for caring for houseplants will be useful to beginner housewives - flower growers.

Let your indoor plants and flowers be healthy in winter and always pleasing to the eye.

Kak ukhazhivat za komnatnymi rasteniyami (1)

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