House cleaning without chemicals. Ways to clean a house quickly and without chemistry

Today, cleaning a house without chemicals is something unrealistic for many housewives, because it is much easier to clean a house quickly and efficiently, using familiar and fairly effective chemical agents.

But we all understand, no matter how high-quality cleaning the house with chemistry is, washing and cleaning products are not the most useful that we use in everyday life.

Household cleaning products often cause allergies, asthma, and other diseases that can manifest as tearing, rashes, redness, and severe itching.

To clean the house without harm to health, it may be an acceptable option to clean the house without chemicals.

Alternative household cleaners and detergents will help to clean the house no worse than with chemistry. Moreover, such cleaning will not affect the state of your health.

Ways to clean a house without chemicals from experienced hostesses

House cleaning without chemicals. Ways to clean a house quickly and without chemistry
How to clean a house without chemistry

Experienced housewives know a lot of secrets on how to clean a house without chemicals, having tried various methods of cleaning a house more than once.

Simple tips on how to clean a house without chemicals will help to quickly clean up your house without spending a lot of money and effort.

If you decide to clean kitchen items from glass, make a very simple solution of warm water, salt (1 tablespoon) and acetic acid (3 tablespoons). A similar tool will help to shine your glass goblets and other glass dishes.

You can clean the pan from fat by boiling a highly saline solution in it. Your pan, cleaned without chemicals, will pleasantly surprise you.

Universal means for washing and cleaning the kitchen are prepared using soda and vinegar. These ingredients come in handy for descaling from the kettle. Just one glass of vinegar in a teapot of water and a handful of soda on top - and there will be no trace of scale.

If a large layer of scale has formed in the kettle, clean it several times.

Probably the most frequently washed place in the kitchen is the sink, because when we wash the dishes, grease and dirt accumulate on the walls of the sink. The same situation applies to the hood and stove.

Believe me, cleaning the sink to a shine, as well as washing the hood and tiles in the kitchen, can be done in a very simple way, by preparing a homemade product from soda (1 tbsp.) And simple laundry soap (3 tbsp.), Which must be soaked in vinegar to receiving liquid slurry.

Sponge with a homemade detergent and rub thoroughly, rinsing everything with clean water, and your kitchen will shine clean.

Cleaning tiles in the kitchen can also be without chemicals. To prepare a paste for washing tiles, use chalk or tooth powder diluted with a small amount of water. Apply the finished paste to the stove until it dries, and then remove the paste using a soft cloth. Your wipe cloth should be dry.

If the seams between the tiles in the kitchen are dirty, which happens quite often, a toothbrush and vinegar will help you, with which you can remove dirt from the seams.

Baking soda and water will also help clean washing wallpaper without stains. Such a tool is quick to prepare and does not harm your health.

Cleaning the kitchen includes cleaning the refrigerator. In the process of cleaning the refrigerator, it is very important to sanitize its surface in order to destroy invisible bacteria, fungi and mold. To do this, a remedy made from borax (1 tbsp), vinegar (3 tbsp) and half a liter of water.

Cleaning a house without chemicals involves removing stains of rust. Rust can appear on enameled dishes that can be cleaned with cut lemon.

Porcelain and faience dishes are also cleaned with a solution of water and soda in a proportion of 3 l / 2 tbsp. lowering the porcelain or earthenware into the cooked product, rub the surface of the dishes with a sponge and the dark coating will be washed off. Leave it like this for a few scratches, after washing the porcelain and earthenware dishes with clean water.

Cleaning a house without chemicals is not difficult. Manage without the usual chemicals and to grate the floor. Prepare a solution of water, soap and lemon juice. Wash the floor and then wipe it with a dry soft cloth. The floor will be clean and without streaks.

Another way to wash dishes without fat chemistry is based on a household soap, grated, and mustard. Ingredients are poured with boiling water until a paste forms. The dishes are washed with such a paste in the usual way with a sponge.

We hope that our simple tips on how to clean a house without chemicals will help you make the house perfectly clean, and cleaning the house will be quick and without hassle.


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