What to do with a sunburn. First aid for sunburn: burn treatment

Summer days are just around the corner, and with them - the sea of ​​sun, heat, outdoor activities.

One of the pleasant summer moments for every girl is the opportunity to get a free natural tan while enjoying the sun's rays on the beach of the river or the sea.

But careless sunbathing can adversely affect your health, because if you do not control the degree of tanning, you may not get a beautiful tanned body, but get terrible burns.

To prevent this from happening, girls should know how to sunbathe in the sun. But if you are still burnt in the sun, you should know what to do with a sunburn, what first aid for sunburns, and what treatment for sunburn is recommended by experts.

What to do with a burn. Treatment and prevention of sunburn

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Symptoms of a sunburn

The first sign that you have a sunburn will be redness of the skin. Proper sunburn prevention will warn you against this and other symptoms.

If you are already burned, you will have to forget about bronze skin for a while, until you remove the redness and cure your body of a sunburn.

If you have a sunburn, you will feel quite severe pain depending on how badly you are burned.

The most unpleasant phenomenon that “gives” us a sunburn is the appearance of large blisters, flaky skin and severe itching.

A severe sunburn can be accompanied not only by such obvious symptoms, but also make a person weak. Often with a severe sunburn, the head can be very sick, it will feel sick and shiver.

Such symptoms can talk not only about sunburn, but also about heat and sunstroke.

It happens that a sunburn does not immediately make itself felt, and signs appear only after a while.

So, what to do with a sunburn, and what is the first aid for a sunburn and treatment ...

Sunburn: first aid and treatment

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What to do with a sunburn

If you determine that you have a sunstroke, prompt first aid and treatment for a burn - wet compress for 15 to 20 minutes.

It will help soothe the pain of the burn and reduce the effect of the burn on your skin by moisturizing it. Do a wet compress several times a day.

To make sunburn treatment easy, take a bath at room temperature.

This will slightly calm the skin after a burn from the sun. This procedure can also be repeated several times throughout the day.

Folk remedies to soothe a sunburn can also be useful to you. Suitable for this aloe juice, which is carefully applied to reddened places.

According to my grandmother's advice, you can calm a sunburn by taking a bath in room temperature water and adding a little soda or corn or potato starch.

To avoid sunburn, try to sunbathe in the afternoon, in the late afternoon, because at the very height of the day, ultraviolet rays will most aggressively affect your skin.

If you get a sunburn, immediately go into the shade and immediately cool the skin. But don't overdo it!

Doctors do not recommend to immediately douse themselves with cold water during a sunburn, thus creating a strong temperature contrast.

With sunburn Absolutely forbidden use a cleansing scrub, soap or shower gel.

Your skin is damaged, so any detergents can cause additional irritation, and removing the damaged layer will make the burned skin defenseless.

Another compress that will soothe a sunburn will be green tea compress.

Often we treat sunburn at home with medications and cosmetics that we have at hand.

Be careful not to make things worse. So sensitive burnt skin on the face do not lubricate with ointments containing benzocaine, petroleum jelly, ice cream and treat with cooling gels and anti-tanning oils. All of these drugs can only slow down the treatment of burns.

After you moisturize a sunburn with a compress or take a bath, apply to burnt skin special spray from burns or special moisturizing cream.

Burn treatment provides complete rest for the skin, so it is better not to be under the direct influence of ultraviolet radiation so far.

As we mentioned above, a sunburn can also provoke symptoms of fatigue, headache, weakness. In this case, be sure to take an aspirin or paracetamol tablet.

If after you have treated a sunburn, and first aid for a burn has been provided, but despite this, you are ill, it is better to contact doctors to exclude sunstroke or dehydration.

When considering treatment for sunburn with drugs from a pharmacy, doctors recommend Hydrocortisone, Panthenol, and medicines containing these components.

Preparations of this kind will soothe pain, help moisturize and soften the skin, relieve inflammation, and contribute to skin regeneration and decontamination of the skin.

In cases of sunburn, as in principle, and other types of burns come in handy painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Avoid Sunburn, protecting the skin as much as possible from ultraviolet radiation, you can use sunblock creams and other similar products.

Sunbathe in the shade so that direct sunlight does not fall on your skin. The best time for tanning in the summer is after 16.00.

Try to sunbathe gradually: first 20 minutes, then more, dosing to get a sun tan.

Treatment of sunburn at home: folk remedies

To treat a sunburn at home, use such proven means as gruel from raw potatoes, homemade kefir, yogurt, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cucumber puree.

Very simple burn remedies that you have at home will not only relieve redness, moisturize the skin, but also allow you to quickly restore the skin.

By the way, you can very well use these homemade products that are used against burns to prepare nourishing masks for healthy skin.

We hope that simple tips on what to do with a sunburn, what first aid and treatment for a sunburn will help you recover your health after a burn at home quickly and without problems.

What to do with a sunburn. First aid for sunburn: burn treatment

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