Women's health: the most common female diseases

Every woman should take care of her health. But this should not be done when anxiety pains begin to bother, but constantly.

Women's health is very fragile and vulnerable, and caring for it should be one of the main priorities in the life of any woman.

During the period of the most active sexual life, many women can be disturbed by gynecological diseases. Our women are not used to going to doctors.

And while there is no ill health or any signs, women ignore preventive trips to the gynecologist, postponing this procedure for the last time.

For some, women's diseases are just a nightmare, while someone has real health problems that have arisen due to the usual oversight.

Today we will tell you what the most common female diseases affect the health of millions of women.

To prevent these common female diseases from becoming a horror for you, regularly visit a gynecologist and monitor your well-being, not putting off your health until later.

The most common female diseases

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Vaginal candidiasis

Vaginal candidiasis or simply - thrush Our list of "Women's Diseases" begins, probably the most common female disease - vaginal candidiasis or, as it is often called, thrush.

Thrush is a gynecological disease caused by fungal microflora, namely, Candida yeast.

Vaginal candidiasis affects the mucous membrane and skin of the female genital organs.

Vaginal candidiasis is most often manifested if the immune system is greatly weakened, and your body is exhausted by diseases, diets, nervous exhaustion, etc.

This female disease can appear after prolonged use of antibacterial drugs, hypothermia, hormonal disruptions, the presence of anemia and diabetes mellitus.

Thrush and women during pregnancy and menopause. The most unpleasant signs of vaginal candidiasis are itching, cheesy discharge and a sour smell.

If untreated, the fungus can affect not only the female genital organs, but also spread to the intestines, bladder and even the kidneys.

Cervical erosion

The second disease on the list of "The most common female diseases"Became cervical erosion.

This female disease is very dangerous, because in the early stages it does not make itself felt with any special symptoms, except that the stomach may slightly hurt and the discharge is much more abundant than usual.

Such female diseases can only be determined by a doctor, so only by visiting a gynecologist can you find out if you have cervical erosion.

As doctors commented during the examination, the cervix should have a soft pink color, and the epithelium should be smooth.

The cervical canal has a brighter pink color of the epithelium. Due to the exit of the cylindrical epithelium to the external surface of the uterus, erosion of the cervix is ​​formed.

The causes of erosion can be very different. This may be mechanical damage to the cervix, infections of the reproductive system, trauma received during childbirth, dishormonal factors.

Cervical erosion is a very insidious female disease, because it can, in the absence of treatment, develop into cancer.


Gynecological disease endometriosis - A fairly serious disease in which the growth of uterine tissue outside the internal endometrium occurs.

Such female diseases as endometriosis cause a malfunction of the menstrual cycle, menstruation is not only longer, but also very painful.

In addition, with endometriosis, even between menstruation, spotting may appear, stomach ache and pain during proximity.

Foci of endometriosis can appear not only in the genitals (genital endometriosis), but also beyond, for example, in the intestine (extragenital endometriosis).

Endometriosis can provoke infertility, because with its appearance in the pelvic area many adhesions form. Endometriosis is treated both with medication and with surgical intervention.

Ovarian cyst

Further on our list of “Most Common Women's Diseases” follows ovarian cyst.

A cyst on the ovaries is a gynecological disease, which is a benign formation of a liquid or dense consistency.

A gynecological disease such as an ovarian cyst can occur for various reasons, for example, due to hormonal failure.

The origin of a benign ovarian cyst and determines its future fate, that is, the cyst will resolve itself, or you will be prescribed a surgical removal of this formation.

An ovarian cyst must be observed by systematically visiting the gynecologist's office.

Such female diseases can develop into a malignant tumor. The ovarian cyst is characterized by aching pain in the lower abdomen.

There will also be back pain and the menstrual cycle may be disturbed. It is better not to rush to remove the cyst on the ovaries, if it does not grow, because you can damage the integrity of the ovary.

In adulthood, the ovary is most often removed with a cyst to avoid cancer.

Menstrual irregularities

The most common female diseases have got and menstrual irregularities.

It would seem that this may not be so. Can! If the menstrual cycle is disturbed, menstruation can go not 3 -7 days, but, for example, two weeks.

Menstrual cycle failure can be caused by infections, ovarian pathologies, endocrine diseases, decreased immunity, neurological diseases, etc.

To cure menstrual irregularities, they treat the cause that triggered this failure.

Women's diseases: a list of the most common gynecological diseases

The list of "Most common female diseases" also included gynecological diseases such as:

  • Cervical Dysplasia
  • Chlamydia
  • Adnexal inflammation or adnexitis
  • Colpit
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Infertility
  • Endometrial hyperplasia
  • Mammary cancer
  • Adenomyosis
  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Amenorrhea
  • Vulvit
  • Mastitis
  • Salpingitis
  • Ovarian apoplexy
  • Vulvovaginitis
  • Polycystic Ovary
  • Uterine Fibroma
  • Endometritis
  • Mastopathy
  • Menopause
  • Metroendometritis
  • Cervicitis
  • Fibrocystic
  • mastopathy
  • Salpingoophoritis
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Postmenopause
  • Oophorit
  • Cervical cancer

Of course, we did not name all gynecological diseases of women. And as you can see, the female diseases that we have described in more detail are really dangerous.

Women's health is not unlimited. Do not be lazy to visit the gynecologist at least once every six months to prevent the occurrence of gynecological diseases in the early stages.

Be healthy!

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