Metabolism: Useful Facts You Should Know

Proper metabolism is very important for the normal well-being of any person. About what should be a normal metabolism, a lot has been said.

We also decided to understand this issue by telling what metabolism should be and what you need to know about this process in order to be healthy and never get sick.

Today we will name the facts about metabolism, which you probably did not know about, but they will undoubtedly be interesting for those who care about their health and want to have excellent health.

For some, the correct metabolism is based on the use of healthy foods and constant physical training. But if you want to lose weight or improve your metabolism, that's not all you need to know ...

The normal metabolism is influenced by a lot of different factors that are present in our lives.

We will designate such important factors as healthy sleep, hormonal background of the body, the state of the thyroid gland, etc.

Many people are used to following certain rules that are considered correct by most. The same applies to metabolism.obmen-veshchestv (6)

Can the metabolism be the same in different people

Remember, do not blindly follow the rules in matters of metabolism. The metabolism of each person is individual, so we can not compare the metabolism of one person with the indicators of another.

For your metabolism to be correct, you must analyze the genetic characteristics of your family’s health, as well as consider what individual characteristics your body has.

So twins can have a completely different metabolism, therefore, in order to lose weight, both physical activity and diet must be individual.obmen-veshchestv (7)

Do not try to calculate the correct metabolism using calorie counting programs.

Today there are a lot of programs and calculators for calculating the calorie content of food and the necessary loads to keep fit or lose weight.

It is worth considering that calorie counting programs and weight loss programs may produce inaccurate data with an error of up to 10%. If the program for counting calories burned shows 1500 kcal, in fact you spent 150 kcal less or, accordingly, 150 kcal more. With accelerated metabolism, the error can be up to 20%.

Therefore, if your metabolism is unpredictable, slimming calculators are unlikely to suit you.

Metabolism can be affected by how well you get enough sleep. Sometimes this factor affects the metabolism more than anything.

As scientists confirm, if a person does not get enough sleep, he is more likely to gain excess weight than a person who has a normal sleep.

Let's say even more: a person who sleeps little is at risk of getting into the list of obese people.

Metabolism in people with poor sleep is much worse. And strangely enough, the body, covering the lack of sleep, requires much more food with high calorie content.obmen-veshchestv (4)

Metabolism is heavily affected by stress.

Stressful situations, constant nervous tension adversely affect the metabolism, causing the body to work incorrectly. No wonder they say that we “seize stress”

When you worry, and stress is your normal state, the metabolism is disturbed, and you actively accumulate fat in the abdomen. Also, in stressful situations, you run the risk of getting diabetes and earn heart problems.

Metabolism is disturbed due to the hormone cortisol, which occurs precisely under stress.obmen-veshchestv (5)

What will improve your metabolism

To improve metabolism, it is very good to train at certain intervals in time, as well as perform exercises with increased loads.

If you engage in this mode, the body will build muscle, and not accumulate fat.

It is very important that the more you work on your muscle mass, the better your metabolism. If you spend 25 minutes a day on exercises with variable load, you will replace the 45-minute monotonous set of exercises.

Exercise more and you will speed up your metabolism.

obmen-veshchestv (2)

Metabolism occurs even in a state of calm

Even when we do nothing, our body functions by working at a basic metabolic rate. Many sloths just spend their energy.obmen-veshchestv (3)

Metabolism worsens with age

The metabolic rate depends on our age, therefore, over the years, metabolism worsens. Every year it is becoming more and more difficult for us to keep our body fit.

Scientists still have not figured out the mystery of why over the years, metabolism worsens every 10 years.obmen-veshchestv (1)

You’ll be surprised, but muscles need more calories than fat

It turns out that in order to maintain muscle mass, you need a lot of calories, and less adipose tissue.

Often you can observe such a picture when a thin person eats a lot, causing envy in the little girls. There is nothing strange emu need for normal metabolism and support muscle mass.
Accordingly, for people of different sexes, the calorie content of food should also be different, because men have more muscle, and women have adipose tissue.

In order for your body to become beautiful, muscles increase in volume, and fat is gone, like a nightmare in food, there should be protein, and carbohydrates should be minimized.

Coffee vs Fat

It turns out that good coffee affects neither fat burning, if you drink a cup before exercise.

The whole point is caffeine. This ingredient affects fat, freeing its cells, thereby allowing the use of fat as an energy source. Free energy will allow you to perform heavy loads, and therefore lose weight.


If you eat protein after exercise ...

Scientists have determined that protein protein after exercise is very healthy. If you get a certain amount of protein after training no later than half an hour, your muscle mass will grow.

After the destruction of muscle tissue during training, our body tries to recover through the accumulation of building material.

The building blocks for muscle are protein foods. That is why the use of protein after training makes it possible to build muscle.

Walking also affects your metabolism.

Usually we spend a lot of time thinking about how to improve our metabolism, which diet to choose ...

It turns out that it is much more useful to take a walk in the fresh air or take a few-minute run in the habit. So you improve your metabolism and can speed up the process of losing weight without harm to health.

Watch your metabolism change

If you want to improve metabolism, watch what happens to your body when you eat certain foods, when you exercise, or when you do something else.

It is also necessary to hang periodically in order to have an idea of ​​weight changes.

What to do if metabolism cannot be improved

If, having listened to your body and useful tips, you have failed to improve your metabolism, and you are not losing weight, the reason is something else, for example, thyroid gland, hormonal disruptions or heredity.

Consult a doctor who will be able to advise you on a diet, and improve metabolism.

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