The most grubby stars: photos of grubby celebrities in all its glory

It's hard to believe, but sloppy stars also come in. Today we decided to show you who can be included in the list of “The most sloppy stars”, and which of the celebrities do not watch themselves at all when the photos and video cameras turn off, and the next exit to the street does not require adhering to the star dress code.

These scruffy stars and groomed stars that don’t look at themselves at all look stunning when they appear on the red carpet or attend special events.

Do celebrities have the right in everyday life to be so different from the image that is presented to fans from TV screens and pages of glamorous magazines?

It is difficult to say, because celebrities are also tired, they are also preoccupied with problems, and their vibrant star life often presents them with cruel surprises ...

Perhaps scruffy stars and groomed stars who do not monitor their appearance are not so much sluts as just tired, exhausted by fame and money people who in ordinary life do not want anything at all.

The top “most scruffy stars”, which we present to your attention now, includes scruffy Hollywood stars, scruffy Russian celebrities whom the journalists dubbed sluts, and scruffy movie and show business stars who shock their wardrobe and appearance in ordinary life.

Note that Russian celebrities are less likely to go out to people without a make-up and an appropriate look, but sloppy and non-self-monitoring Hollywood stars do not attach much importance to such trifles ...neryashlivyye zvezdy

And which of the groomed and sloppy stars would you add to the ranking of “The most sloppy stars”?

The most sloppy stars: photos of stars - sluts that in ordinary life do not follow themselves at all

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The most sloppy stars: the list of sluts unexpectedly included the singer Madonna, who is a big slut outside the stage and social events and does not really take care of herself
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Problems in his personal life helped the famous Hollywood actor and once handsome Matthew Perry to get into our not very pleasant rating “The most sloppy celebrities”
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But the singer Katy Perry falls into the list of the most sloppy stars and in the rating of stars who do not at all monitor their appearance and do not know how to choose clothes.
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Lindsay Lohan is still that slut. In the list of Sloppy stars, she could not help but find herself, because lately she had completely stopped monitoring herself
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The most grubby stars: paparazzi have repeatedly caught actress Jennifer Garner on a sloppiness. Tabloids claim that such a state of the star appeared after the onset of problems in the personal life of a Hollywood celebrity
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Uma Thurman, who for some reason completely stopped monitoring her appearance, was on the list of the most sloppy Hollywood stars. Her once radiant face and always gorgeous hairstyle disappeared, and instead an unwashed head and a complete lack of makeup appeared
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For some reason, very often Anastasia Volochkova is also considered a sloppy star, although many will object to this fact. A well-known ballerina is permissible to catch in the absence of taste, but whether it can be called a slut, here you can argue ...
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Further in our ranking, the most untidy Hollywood stars were captured by the place actress Kirsten Dunst, who in ordinary life looks like a gray mouse.
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The most scruffy stars today hang out in the company of actress Kristen Stewart, whose photos in ordinary life and on the red carpet are significantly different.Although Kristen Stewart is considered one of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood, in her life she is such a sloppy teenage girl
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The extravagant and shocking Lady Gaga in everyday life also does not always monitor her appearance, which is why she got into our top The most sloppy celebrities
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But why such a talented singer Adele was included in the ranking of the most sloppy stars is no secret. Adele never paid attention to her appearance, she is happy in marriage and considers it not particularly necessary to spend time caring for herself.
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It’s hard to believe that such a beauty as Mila Kunis also belongs to the list of the most sloppy Hollywood stars. Journalists repeatedly record her terrible appearance when she is walking with her family or going shopping. But the handsome Ashton Kutcher is not at all outraged by the sloppy wife. They are still together
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Sloppy stars in ordinary life shock with their dullness and thoughtlessness in choosing a wardrobe. Vanessa Paradis is a prime example. One of the most beautiful actresses Vanessa Paradis can frighten with her emaciated face and baggy clothes
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The most sloppy stars: the next on the list of big sluts will be Ellen Page, who in ordinary life does not watch herself at all. An unwashed head for Ellen Page is a common thing.
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In our top The most sloppy stars of show business got Britney Spears. Once upon a time, Britney Spears looked after herself very much, but after having children and family problems, Britney Spears does not look very well-groomed in everyday life
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The fact that Julia Roberts got into the list of the most sloppy movie stars does not please the fans of the charming beauty. What happened and why did Julia Roberts become so sloppy? Time and problems change everyone. Here are the consequences ...
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Journalists unanimously rank the most sloppy Russian stars Lolita Milyavskaya in the top. Once a spectacular beauty, and now a tired and groomed woman, after the cameras are turned off, she begins to live her usual life. And special grooming is not visible here ...

The most grubby stars: photos of grubby celebrities in all its glory

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