Thrush treatment: how to treat thrush correctly

Quite a lot of women know what thrush is, because this disease has become very common today.

This infectious disease has very unpleasant symptoms, and treating it is not so simple.

Candidiasis or thrush manifests itself in both women and males, therefore, treatment of thrush should be carried out together with your sexual partner.

Today we will tell you how to treat thrush correctly and what standard treatment for thrush doctors recommend.

How to treat thrush correctly: treatment of thrush at home

If you have thrush or candidiasis, as doctors call this disease, both partners must be treated.

Typically, a man considers the treatment of thrush unnecessary, because this disease may not manifest itself in him. It's a delusion. Even if the thrush does not appear in a man, it is not a fact that the fungus will still not affect his genitals.

Mild thrush (candidiasis) is treated with topical antifungal drugs that can destroy Candida spp.

In the case when the thrush acquired chronic nature, it is necessary to treat the disease in combination with antimicrobial medicines of local as well as internal use.

Remember, effective treatment of thrush at home is possible, but it is worth considering that candidiasis is a very insidious disease, therefore thrush should be treated after consultation with a doctorotherwise, you risk only exacerbating your condition.

Today, pharmacies have a lot of drugs to fight thrush, but before you buy drugs and treat thrush, you need to take tests and undergo a full examination. Many people neglect this stage for one reason or another.

If you have thrush, try to reduce the amount of carbohydrates, sweets, also eliminating a large number of bakery products from the diet.

Although many say that treating thrush at home with grandmother's recipes is a very effective way to get rid of the disease, be extremely careful with such methods.lecheniye molochnitsy

Such treatment may not be carried out correctly, and you risk aggravating the situation.
To treat thrush with folk methods, use douching with a solution of water and potassium permanganate, saline solutions and a liquid containing soda etc.

Why does candidiasis appear: causes of thrush

Thrush is an infectious disease that affects the upper part of the genitals in both men and women due to an increase in the number of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

Microorganisms of the Candida genus are not foreign to our body and live in the vagina of a woman, the oral cavity, in the intestines and even on the skin.

But if the number of these microorganisms increases, they are not able to influence our health in the best way.

Most often, a fungal disease appears in our body due to a decrease in immunity.

Thrush is transmitted sexually, which is why it is recommended to treat thrush with both a man and a woman together. But do not worry, thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease.

Not only are these causes of thrush known. It turns out that thrush can occur due to frequent chronic infections.

Thrush can provoke frequent use of contraceptives and antibiotics. Thrush can occur with diabetes and pregnancy.

If you dig deeper, then vaginal candidiasis most often appears in women with a volatile and unstable hormonal background.

A change in the hormonal background can increase the level of certain hormones that contribute to a change in the vaginal environment. So a moderately acidic environment can change to a very alkaline one. Such changes have a beneficial effect on the occurrence of Candida fungi.

If you get sick and need to take antibiotics, remember that antibacterial drugs will kill not only harmful microorganisms, but also those that benefit. After taking antibiotics, the amount of lactic acid bacilli in your vagina and intestines will decrease. It is these beneficial bacteria that prevent fungi from multiplying.

How thrush reports about itself: symptoms of thrush

Symptoms of thrush are very unpleasant and pronounced. Usually, thrush reports about its appearance before menstruation and a woman feels the appearance of thrush most often on the genitals.

When the number of fungi of the Candida genus increases in the vagina, you will feel a very unpleasant burning sensation and severe itching in the intimate area. Genital itching increases in the evening or after hot bath procedures.

A symptom of thrush is a change in the color of the genitals from pale pink to bright red.

In addition to a terrible burning sensation and unpleasant itching, pain appears in the genital area. Pain is usually felt during urination. It is worth noting that the thrush signals its appearance and unusual discharge, similar to a curd mass.

Intimacy will also be a test. Sexual intercourse will cause pain in the irritated genital mucosa.

But symptoms of thrush in men not always manifested. But if the thrush in a man still made itself felt, the symptoms will appear no less brightly.

With candidiasis in men, the glans penis and foreskin turn red and even become stained. This disease will not pass in men without itching, white plaque, burning and even swelling.

How to treat thrush correctly: thrush treatment prescribed by doctors

Thrush treatment will only be effective if you do everything doctor's prescription and stick to the rules of intimate hygiene.

Refuse proximity during treatment of thrush, because you risk again becoming infected with pathogenic bacteria. Wash frequently to reduce the amount of fungus in your vagina.

To achieve an alkaline reaction, add soda or furatsilin to water to help calm the manifestation of thrush. Give up soap for a while. With thrush, soap will only irritate the mucous membrane.

Eat more dairy products and cereals. They will help stabilize the intestinal microflora, where Candida fungi can also inhabit.

With menstruation, do not use tampons, and pads should be changed more often than usual.molochnica

If the treatment of thrush is not carried out properly, there is a risk of other more serious diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular inflammation of the urethra and bladder, spread of infection outside the intimate zone, damage to the thrush of the skin and other mucous membranes, damage to the cervix, etc.

Thrush treatment: medicines against thrush

As we have already said, thrush is treated with creams and tablets. You can also add vaginal suppositories to this list.

The treatment of thrush in mild form consists of vaginal suppositories and creams.
The most famous drugs for treating thrush are clotrimazole, fluconazole, ketoconazole, isoconazole, miconazole, natamycin, nystatin, their analogues, as well as drugs containing these substances. The named medications are available in creams, suppositories and tablets.

Doctors prescribe fluconazole in a capsule with a dosage of 150 mg orally and for men and women once, if the thrush is mild.

If thrush is started, you will have to drink fluconazole (150 mg) every week for a month. To combat thrush, an alternative drug Itraconazole (Orungal) is also used.

To thrush does not appear, you need not only to cure the thrush, but also to strengthen the immune system and takes care of the hygiene of intimate organs.

The list of medications prescribed for the treatment of thrush by doctors


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