What length of haircut is right for you: how to choose the right haircut

Any woman wants to look spectacular, bright, interesting. In pursuit of an exclusive, many ladies decide on the most daring experiments, choosing a new fashionable styling or a stylish haircut for their transformation.kak pravilno vybrat strizhku (3)

Yes, beautiful long hair is not in competition. Here, their very presence makes a woman special. But those beauties who do not have a magnificent long hair will be interested in a wide variety of short haircuts. Fashion trends of this season dictate their own haircut selection rules.

Do you know what haircut length is right for you, and how to choose the right haircut ...

I don’t know how for you, but for me, getting a haircut is not a problem. Although, be that as it may, knowing that now something new will appear on your head, sometimes there is a slight thrill: will it suit, will it be beautiful, will friends like it, will the master be able to realize the idea ...

In order not to worry about such issues, which haircut suits you, how to choose the right haircut, we advise you to determine for yourself your ideal hair length, and accordingly the most optimal haircut length.kak pravilno vybrat strizhku (4)

To choose the right hairstyle, an important factor is the shape of the face and your physique. If you fell into the hands of a true professional, he will tell you what face shape, what length of hair and haircut will suit you, taking into account your physique.

Often, even if the hairstyle fits your face perfectly, it may not suit you as a whole. Your haircut or hairstyle should be in harmony with your body, and not just with your face.kak pravilno vybrat strizhku (6)

Remember that the length of the haircut, which will be ideal for you, must be determined by the length of the neck. One of the most famous British stylists Giles Robinson advised women to determine the correct length of hairstyles to measure the distance from the ear to the chin, thereby determining the appropriate length of the haircut. To conduct such an experiment, attach a ruler to the earlobe in an upright position, and then attach a pencil horizontally to the chin.kak pravilno vybrat strizhku (5)

Having determined the intersection point of the pencil and the ruler, look at the number you received. If, after completing this step, you get a number less than 5.7 cm, you are simply made for short haircuts.

In the event that the number is greater, you should pay attention to longer haircut options, in particular, such as an extended bean, etc.kak pravilno vybrat strizhku (1) kak pravilno vybrat strizhku (2) kak pravilno vybrat strizhku (7) I think now you know what length of haircut suits you, and how to choose the right haircut.
Go to the hairdresser ...

What length of haircut is right for you: how to choose the right haircut

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