How to save a family: tips that will not be superfluous ...

kak_sohranit_brak-sovety How to save a family ... Tips on this topic often appear on the pages of fashionable glossies and on the air of popular family TV shows. But when the question arises, how to prevent a divorce, how to save a marriage, advice of this format seems rather meaningless and banal.

Each family is a dark forest ... Everyone has a different attitude to each other, and problems, if you think about it, cannot be considered in the same parallel ...

But despite the fact that the psychology of family relations is a rather complicated thing, people who find themselves in a difficult situation should not discard recommendations of this kind, because they can really help, if not only hear, but also try to put them into practice.

If you really do not know how to save a marriage, how to save a family and prevent a divorce, how to avoid problems that arise in a relationship, try to apply a couple of simple but very effective rules for yourself.

Together following certain laws of family interaction, you can protect your marriage from destruction.Kak sokhranit semyu-sovety

Think what you say. Always watch your words

Often due to excessive emotionality, we can offend relatives and friends of our people, without thinking about how this can affect our relationship.

In a fit of jealousy, anger or any other emotions, we can say something that will take root in the head of a loved one or loved one for a long time.

Always think what you say. Do not offend your loved one with your statements. Watch your emotions. If you are expensive, then you will soon be forgiven, but the sediment in the soul may remain.

If you don’t know how to save a family, have sex more often

1Trite, but true. Intimacy is a very good incentive to maintain relationships, resolve disputes, and end quarrels. Although of course there are situations where even the best sex will not save the marriage, but according to statistics, it is because of the marriage of sex, and not spiritual discord or intellectual difference that there are many unpleasant moments that could be so easily solved.

Compromises are a Real Way to Save a Marriage

2If you decide to save your marriage, don't be afraid to compromise. It is the desire to give in and agree with a loved one that will allow at some point to establish a difficult relationship and change the situation for the better.

Do not regret that not everything turned out in your way. Perhaps your step will give a positive result later, but you will confidently show your soul mate that you are ready for everything for her.

Do not be afraid to tell your loved one about your thoughts, desires, grievances ...

3Be frank with each other. Even if not everything you said is pleasant to your loved one, it is better to say that you are worried.

Men and women are so different that what one considers normal and always right can be nonsense for the other. Therefore, having discussed all the issues, you can find a solution, achieve the fulfillment of desires, understand each other.

Always think about the consequences of your actions.

4Breaking a relationship is not so difficult. But what's next ... Life is not always separate - this is exactly what will be better for you. Sometimes life after a divorce is much harder for both men and women. And the trauma that children will get ...

Think about the consequences of your actions every day so as not to destroy what you value.

Try to lower your demands and expectations.

5We very often expect from our loved ones what they cannot do for some reason, we demand to change, to be different ...

Do not expect too much from your half, because you yourself are imperfect, and perhaps you also do not hold out or cope in something.

To save a marriage, look at things realistically and don’t demand too much. Appreciate the good that you have, respecting the needs and interests of your partner.

In order not to destroy the marriage, do not limit the freedom of your soul mate

6Everyone has the right to personal freedom and the right to choose. Both a man and a woman can have interests that are not related to the family, but this does not mean that their presence should somehow affect the relationship of the halves.

Trust your loved one, do not be afraid to show your trust, thereby evoking respect for yourself, and strengthening the subconscious understanding of how valuable a part of your partner’s life is exactly your family.

To save a family, remember: you all must go together

Blaming each other is easiest, but remember: if everything is bad in your family, both are to blame.

To save your marriage, you must solve the problems together, without shifting the solution to another.

If two people try to support each other, try to understand what is wrong and what the problem is, these are already the first steps towards reconciliation and strengthening even the most difficult family relationships.7

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