Shoe silver. Tips for cleaning silver at home

Cleaning silver is a fairly common process for every woman, because almost everyone has silver chains, rings, crosses and other silver jewelry.

Yes, and exquisite table silver is not uncommon in the kitchen of many housewives. Silver, like any other precious metal, just needs periodic cleaning.

In this article we will tell you how to clean things from silver, how to clean silver at home.

Learn how to clean silver correctly and which silver cleaner is best.

Cleaning silver is necessary when silver items turn black or become dull.

Usually this happens from the interaction with moisture, the human body, cosmetics containing sulfur.

That is why silver is best stored in a dry place and preferably separately from each other. Silver is wrapped in foil for storage.

If the silver has nevertheless become dark and has acquired a dull shade, read how to clean silver at home.

Home Ways to Clean Silver

kak-pochistit-serebro-v-domashnikh-usloviyakh (2)The best way to clean silver quickly without effort is to buy a silver-based store cleaner.

It is no secret that such a silver cleaner is not expensive, but cleans silver efficiently.

But if you need to clean the silver right now, but there is no such silver cleaner, prepare your own silver cleaner at home.

Cleaning silver jewelry with toothpaste, which is always at hand

Toothpaste is used for mechanical quick cleaning of not only silver, but also gold.

When choosing a toothpaste, be careful, because if you often clean jewelry from this metal in this way, you can erase the pattern and your beautiful jewelry will be damaged.

Cleaning silver with universal soda

Here the scheme is very simple. 0, 5 liters of water and only 2 tbsp. l baking soda. This consistency should be boiled in a small, preferably enameled saucepan.

Put ordinary foil on the bottom by immersing a silver jewelry or other silver item in the prepared product. 5 minutes - the result is on the face. Silver will shine.

Also, in 1 liter of water, you can add soda, salt and any kitchen remedy for fat in a proportion of one to one.

Silver must be boiled in this solution over low heat until it is cleaned.

It’s worth noting how to clean silver with ammonia

Ammonia is useful not only in medicine. This medication is a great way to clean silver at home.

You need only 15 minutes to redeem your silver in 10% ammonia, and your silver items are like new, and dullness and a black hue have disappeared.

Also, ammonia (1 tsp) can be mixed with liquid soap and a few drops of peroxide.

This cleaning method takes 15 to 20 minutes, and your silver shines again. You can also clean silver with a sponge soaked in the same ammonia.

Be careful with pearls and precious stones. Many self-made silver cleansers can harm the stones by changing their shade.

How to clean silver with citric acid

If you need to clean silver in another simple way, citric acid is perfect.

Pour 1 sachet of citric acid into water (0.5 l.). Next, take an enameled saucepan with this liquid and place in a water bath.

In this tool, boil silver for about 15 to 30 minutes, periodically checking the degree of purification.

Potato broth - folk remedy for cleaning silver

You can clean silver appliances with potato broth and foil.For such a procedure, dip the silver into the cooked potato broth for just a few minutes, having previously placed the foil in the container. Silver should again return to its usual color.

Vinegar is another home silver cleaner

Vinegar, universal in all respects, is also useful for cleaning silver objects.

To clean the silver with vinegar, warm it a little, and then leave the silver things in it for 15 to 20 minutes.

If the silver was very dark, you will have to leave it in vinegar for a few more minutes.

After each cleaning method, the brushed silver is washed with water as thoroughly as possible, wiping it with a soft cloth.

We hope that our home-made tips on how to clean silver at home will help you bring beautiful silver jewelry and exquisite silver appliances to their original appearance, making them bright and shining.

Shoe silver. Tips for cleaning silver at home

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