How to clean a down jacket at home correctly: how to clean a down jacket at home, if there is no money for dry cleaning

Kak pochistit pukhovik v domashnikh usloviyakh Today, a down jacket is one of the most popular options for a winter wardrobe. Like any other thing, it requires special treatment.

No matter how you carefully wear outer clothing, sooner or later you will come across the question of how to clean the down jacket.

To the question of how to clean a down jacket, the best answer is to give it to dry cleaning. But if there is not enough money for this service, we will tell you how to clean the down jacket at home, how to clean the down jacket from stains correctly, and how to clean the down jacket.

How to clean a down jacket at home: some useful tips

Kak pochistit pukhovik v domashnikh usloviyakh_1To remove a greasy stain from the surface of the down jacket, take salt. Salt has adsorbing properties, and absorbs fat that has fallen on the down jacket in a few minutes.

It is advisable to do this procedure immediately after when you notice pollution. You can also clean grease stains from products such as flour and starch.

If the stain that you found is not from fat, and you don’t know its origin, you can clean such a stain on the down jacket by yourself preparing homemade cleaner from half a glass of water, a teaspoon of ammonia and a teaspoon of liquid detergent.

You can use such a homemade detergent not only to clean the down jacket, it will also perfectly clean stains on other things.

After the fluid has worked, flush the surface of the down jacket with water at room temperature.

Also, to clean the down jacket, you can purchase special detergents, the composition of which will gently clean your item from down.

Another home remedy that can be prepared for cleaning the winter down jacket is also worth taking note.

A mixture of starch and salt in one teaspoon with a little water will perfectly clean the spots.

Stains can also be cleaned with lemon juice, and a white down jacket can be cleaned with the consistency of water and hydrogen peroxide.

On the Internet you can find tips on how to clean a down jacket, where gasoline or window cleaning products are used for this procedure.

We can’t say that these methods are not effective, but they must be used very carefully, because gasoline must be very clean, and the window cleaner may be too aggressive to clean clothes.Kak pochistit pukhovik v domashnikh usloviyakh_2

How to clean a down jacket correctly

In order not only to clean the stain, but also not to damage the appearance of your winter outfit, it is worth remembering that you can not rub the surface of the down jacket with a stiff brush. It is best to clean the down jacket with a soft sponge or cloth.

Never use chlorine based products. Stains should be started to clean along the edges, and not to rub all at once.

Pay attention to the cleanliness of the down jacket near the pockets, on the cuffs, collar, elbows. It is there that the most difficult to clean a down jacket.

After processing the down jacket with special tools, often there are stains from the substances used, which can be removed using partial hand washing.

How to clean a down jacket at home: washing the down jacket manually and in a washing machine

Kak pochistit pukhovik v domashnikh usloviyakh_3If you don’t know how to wash a down jacket, let’s tell you that a down jacket can be washed, only this should be done taking into account the information indicated on the tag.

After you have removed the stains with a special solution, proceed to hand wash.

To wash the down jacket manually, pour warm water into the container by adding detergent. It is better to hang a down jacket in the bathroom and wash it manually there. Wipe the entire down jacket with soap and water from top to bottom with a well-wrung sponge.

If your down jacket is designed to be washed in a washing machine, before washing it, use soap, dishwashing liquid or stain remover and thoroughly treat all the most dirty places.

Turn the thing inside out, having previously fastened the locks and start the necessary mode according to the instructions.

It is better to wash the down jacket with liquid powder or special fluids for down products.

For a jacket made of natural fluff, tennis balls are placed in the washer, which break the fluff.

You can rinse a winter outfit several times, squeezing it at medium speed.

We hang out the squeezed down jacket and periodically shake it so that the down jacket resumes its previous shape.


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