Cleaning a coat at home: how to clean a coat from stains

It is very convenient to clean a coat in a dry-cleaner. Typically, cleaning your coat with dry cleaning is even better than cleaning your coat at home. But if you don’t have time and money to dry clean, you can clean your coat at home, without making any special efforts, and get an excellent result.

Many housewives doubt whether it is possible to clean the coat at home qualitatively, and whether cleaning the coat will spoil the appearance of the product, because, as you know, the material from which the coat is made is quite capricious to use.

In this article, we decided to collect useful tips on how to clean your coat at home, as well as answer questions on how to clean your coat from grease, coffee or tea stains, how to clean your coat gently, and clean your coat from cashmere, wool, and draper.

How to clean your coat at home: how to clean your coat

kak pochistit palto (3)Cleaning a coat or any other product should begin with a review of the information on the product label. Manufacturers briefly tell the user how to clean their coats and how to wash a thing.

To clean the coat from stains, if a small part of the product is dirty, it is better to partially, because frequent washing of the coat can quickly ruin its appearance.

The shelf life of the coat is approximately five years. If caring for your coat is gentle, and you don’t wear a coat often, you can safely carry the coat longer.

Before cleaning your coat at home, inspect the coat. Most often, this type of outerwear is contaminated on the sleeves, the elbow bend, the collar area, pockets, in places where buttonholes and button fasteners are located.

Using a stain remover to clean the coat, before cleaning the coat, test the product on a piece of the product by turning the coat inside out.

It is necessary to clean the coat from stains from the outer edge of the stain to the center of pollution. If you clean your coat from stains otherwise, stains may remain.

Cleaning your coat will be effective if you put the fabric under the contaminated area on the coat. Using the backing cloth, you will collect all excess fluid.

To clean the coat on the collar, take salt and ammonia, having prepared the product in a ratio of 4/1. A cotton swab moistened in a solution is used to wipe a greasy collar along the pile. So you perfectly clean the collar on the coat.

Another way to clean the coat on the sleeves and collar from small contaminants involves the use of soap solution, iron and cotton cloth.

kak pochistit palto (2)Put the fabric marked in the solution on the spots on the coat. Then iron the fabric using the temperature provided for the coat. Dirt is absorbed into the fabric and your coat stays clean.

The spots on the coat can be large. In this case, use a brush to conduct a preliminary dry cleaning of the coat.

Many may be interested in the question of how to clean a suede coat. We answer, you can clean the suede coat with rubberized sponges or brushes.

Tips for brushing coffee and tea stains

If you spilled coffee or tea on your coat, don't be discouraged. Try cleaning coffee or tea stain coats with a prepared glycerol and ammonia cleaner. To prepare such a solution in a ratio of 2 tsp / 1 tsp

To clean the stains from tea or coffee, the housewives recommend using a solution of vinegar mixed with alcohol in a proportion of 1/1.

Cleaning the coat from greasy stains. How to clean your coat from stains of fat

To clean the coat of fat, you can use talcum powder or baby powder. Apply a layer on a greasy coat and leave for 12 hours so that the fat is absorbed into the talcum powder or powder.After talcum powder (powder) cleans the stain, you need to remove the talcum powder with a dry brush. If grease stains have been eaten, carry out the procedure several times.

kak pochistit palto (1)The second effective way, how to clean the coat from stains of fat and grease stains, involves the use of high-quality gasoline.

To clean the grease stain with gasoline, prepare a cotton cloth and cover the stain. Then wipe the greasy or greasy stain with a swab soaked in gasoline in a circular motion. It is important to clean the stain with gasoline from the edge of the stains to the middle of the dirt.

You can clean greasy stains with an iron, but only if the coat is allowed to be ironed.

To clean the coat with an iron, ordinary napkins are needed. Put a paper towel on the stain and iron it. You can change the cloth several times if necessary, until the cloth absorbs all the dirt.

How to clean a cashmere coat

Although a cashmere coat is not cheap, the material from which it is made is quite versatile. To clean a coat from cashmere at home is quite possible.

You can even wash the cashmere coat using the optimal temperature for this.

To clean cashmere from stains at home, you can use a special store tool for cashmere items. Do not forget that after washing or cleaning the cashmere coat, you need to hang it so that it comes into its usual shape.

A simple way to clean your drape coat

Drape coats can also be cleaned at home. To clean the drape coat, put the coat in an upright position. Take a brush and gently brush off dust and dirt.

Then a coat of drape should be sprinkled with laundry detergent. Using a coarse-grained sponge, wipe the coat. Next, take a stiff brush to clean the powder coat from the drape.

Complete the procedure with an iron. Unhook the coat from the drape with an iron, drying it.

How to clean a coat of wool: rules for cleaning wool

It is necessary to clean the wool coat carefully so as not to spoil the color of the coat. Test any detergent for a wool coat on a small part of it, turning the coat inside out.

To clean a coat of wool at home, it is better to purchase a special tool in the store, improving it with two tablespoons of ammonia.

Next, apply the product with a swab or sponge on the spots. Wipe off dirt thoroughly.

We hope our tips on how to clean the coat from stains of fat, coffee, tea, as well as how to clean the coat from cashmere, suede, drape, wool, will help you clean the spots on your coat, and you, with a clear conscience, put it in the closet for the next in winter.

Good luck

Cleaning a coat at home: how to clean a coat from stains

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