How to clean the bath of rust, yellowness, plaque, old stains

     kak otchistit vannu ot rzhavchiny, naleta, zheltizny, pyaten (6)We love to keep our homes clean and comfortable. One of the most important places where it should be perfectly clean is the bathroom.

Today we will talk about how to clean the bath from rust, how to clean the bath from stains and dirt, how to bleach the bath, how to clean the old bath, how to clean the bath from yellowness, than to clean the bath from rust and other contaminants.

Sooner or later, under the influence of water, the bath will turn yellow, plumbing will become covered with plaque, and in places where water lingers for the longest time, rust will appear.

The first answer to how to clean the bath, and how to clean the bath from rust, yellowness, stains, is to get a good detergent.

Modern detergents effectively whiten the bath, cleaning all kinds of stains. But there are quite aggressive detergents that can negatively affect the enamel coating of the bath.

If you don’t trust store detergents, try making homemade bath cleaners with your own hands. Here are some tips for cleaning your bath.kak otchistit vannu ot rzhavchiny, naleta, zheltizny, pyaten (5)

How to clean the bath and how to clean the bath from rust

To clean the bath from rust, you can use a solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Two pharmaceutical preparations are mixed 2 to 1, carefully wiping the bath where there are rust spots.

We also advise how to clean the bath from old rust stains using 9% vinegar and regular salt.

After warming the vinegar well, stir a few tablespoons of salt in it and rub the places affected by rust with the prepared consistency (1 tablespoon per 50 ml).

Leave the cooked home bath detergent for a while so that it can affect rust stains, and then rinse everything with clean water. kak otchistit vannu ot rzhavchiny, naleta, zheltizny, pyaten (4)

How to clean the bath from plaque, and how to clean the bath from plaque

To clean the bath from plaque, use a preparation made from turpentine and solvents for oil paints.

The bath is carefully treated with this tool, applying it with a soft sponge. After all the problem areas have been processed, wait a while.

Then wash the bath with water and powder. Of course, after all means - pure water in large quantities. BXP53637

How to clean the bath from yellowness, and how to clean the bath from yellowness

Probably yellowness causes very unpleasant emotions for everyone, because it’s like you clean the bathtub, and the yellowness tone does not disappear anywhere.

What to do in this case. In order to clean the bath from yellowness, take hydrochloric acid and ordinary water (1/2), prepare a solution.

Then the prepared product is applied to the yellowed areas of the bath. 15 minutes later, the bath bowl is thoroughly wiped with washing powder and water. The procedure ends, as always, by washing the bathtub with clean water.

If you don’t know how to clean the old bathtub from stains, yellowness and rust, here we advise you to carry out washing cleaning procedures several times, because old stains have firmly eaten into the enamel of the bathtub and they will undoubtedly fail the first time.

But nevertheless, it is advisable to clean the bath regularly to prevent stained spots on the bathroom.

Cleaning Your Bath: Useful Tips

Remember, you need to clean the bath using rubber gloves to protect your hands.

Cleaning the bath is carried out using sponges, brushes with a soft texture. Hard can damage the enamel.

The presence of metal objects on the bathtub will cause rust.

Remember, acrylic bowls do not tolerate abrasive substances. When buying detergents, keep this in mind.kak otchistit vannu ot rzhavchiny, naleta, zheltizny, pyaten (1)Acrylic bathtubs, cast-iron bathtubs and bathtubs made of other materials are cleaned differently. When choosing detergents, do not forget about this, so as not to damage the appearance of the bath.

We hope our tips on how to clean the bath from rust, yellowness, plaque and old stains will be useful to you, and you will make your bath perfectly clean without any problems.

How to clean the bath of rust, yellowness, plaque, old stains

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