Cystitis: causes, symptoms, treatment at home

Today, cystitis is one of the most common diseases of the female genitourinary system.

Most women who have cystitis know how unpleasant the symptoms of cystitis are, and that the treatment of cystitis needs to be completed, otherwise there is a risk of repeated inflammation of the bladder.

Today we will talk about how to treat cystitis at home, which cystitis treatment will best help in the early stages of the disease, and what causes of cystitis and symptoms of cystitis signal this unpleasant disease.

It is no secret that cystitis is more a female disease. Women most often suffer from this disease than representatives of the powerful because of the anatomical features of the female genitourinary system, namely, the short and wide urethra and volume of the bladder.

Cystitis: the reasons that doctors call

What are the causes of bladder inflammation, and what causes this female disease?

We answer: the most common cause of cystitis is severe hypothermia or freezing of the body. This is especially true of the pelvic area. Hypothermia of this part of the body most often causes acute cystitis.tsistit lecheniye simptomy prichiny (1)

The causes of cystitis are provoking factors for the occurrence of an infection that affects the urogenital system of a woman, causing severe pain. Bacterial cystitis is provided to you if you sit on a tile, concrete or other cold surface for 20 minutes.

It is worth noting that cystitis is most often caused by all kinds of inflammatory processes and chronic diseases.

Inflammation of the genitourinary system can also cause a cause such as a sedentary lifestyle. You may ask how this can cause cystitis. Maybe if a woman sits for a long time, moves a little and is in the same position for several hours without a break.

In order not to make bladder inflammation, distract from work for 10 - 15 minutes. At this time, try to do a little workout, or at least go for a walk.

The following causes of cystitis that women should know about are constipation and gynecological diseases.

tsistit lecheniye simptomy prichiny (3)If a woman has frequent constipation, or a woman suffers from gynecological or sexually transmitted diseases, in addition, she risks getting cystitis. Often, cystitis can appear due to an erroneous or independent treatment of these diseases.

Improper nutrition can cause cystitis. If you eat spicy, fatty foods, eat a lot of fried foods, try to drink plenty of fluids before eating, to minimize the possibility of cystitis.

The causes of cystitis, which may seem atypical, are tooth decay, lack of sleep. Do not wonder. Such causes of cystitis are also called by our doctors.

Cystitis can be caused by malnutrition, chronic stress, unprotected sexual intercourse.

To prevent cystitis, watch for the hygiene of the genitourinary organs.

The most common symptoms of cystitis and signs that tell you about cystitis

tsistit lecheniye simptomy prichiny (6)If you have cystitis, you feel quite severe pain when urinating. Burning also appears when the bladder is empty.

Having earned cystitis, you will immediately notice this, because trips to the toilet will increase several times.

Personal hygiene of a woman: how to protect yourself from cystitis

So that you do not fall into the risk zone, in sexual intercourse, try to refuse the transition from anal to vaginal act.

After going to the toilet, wipe yourself from the genitals to the anus, and not vice versa, so as not to cause infection.

tsistit lecheniye simptomy prichiny (5)In order not to get sick with bladder inflammation, try changing swabs and pads often during menstruation.

The appearance of cystitis can be affected by what kind of underwear you prefer.If you are a fan of synthetics, you are also at risk.

To go to the toilet "little by little" you need at least five times a day, otherwise there is a risk of contracting bacterial cystitis.

Inflammation of the genitourinary system: types of cystitis

Two types of cystitis are distinguished, such as acute cystitis and chronic cystitis.

Acute cystitis appears suddenly and pronounced in women, while chronic cystitis is less pronounced symptomatically, and is most often triggered by another disease or incorrect and incomplete treatment of previous cystitis.

Acute cystitis is accompanied by pronounced symptoms. In acute cystitis, urination causes pain, and urge to the toilet becomes more frequent.

Although I often want to use the toilet, in fact there is very little urine, and the color of the urine is cloudy. In acute cystitis, a small amount of blood discharge may be present in the urine.tsistit lecheniye simptomy prichiny (4)

Acute cystitis causes pain in the suprapubic part. There are cases when acute cystitis is accompanied by fever, nausea, and vomiting.

There are also bacterial cystitis that appears in women due to infections of different origins, in particular streptococcal, enterococcal, venereal.

Cystitis of non-bacterial origin appears due to chemical irritation of the bladder mucosa with drugs.

If cystitis cannot be cured, you will face complications in the form of diseases of the genitourinary system such as pyelonephritis and interstitial cystitis.

Medication for cystitis. How to treat cystitis at home

In the event that the symptoms of cystitis have confirmed your fears and your bladder has become inflamed, you should undergo a complete cystitis treatment.

tsistit lecheniye simptomy prichinyIn addition to medicines, you must adhere to bed rest, drink plenty of clean unboiled water, eat right.

Cystitis is treated with antibiotics and other groups of medicines, in particular, drugs such as Monural, Nolitsin, Nitroxolin, Palin, Furagin, Nevigramon, Rulid, Furadonin, Cyston, Lingonberry leaves, Monurel, Kanefron, Fitolizin paste.
To relieve pain in cystitis, doctors prescribe antispasmodics, such as Drotaverin, No-shpa, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ibuprofen, probiotics, so that there are no relapses.

To treat cystitis at home, try to sit warm, eliminating the effects of cold on your body.

To reduce the irritation during urination, do not eat too salty, spicy and spicy foods, pickled and smoked foods, canned food. Also do not drink coffee and alcohol.

To treat cystitis more quickly, you should take a bath more often by washing the cystitis pathogen.

tsistit lecheniye simptomy prichiny (2)Dear women, if you get cystitis once, be careful, because inflammation of the bladder can recur.

Therefore, take into account our tips on how to treat cystitis at home, and what to do so that cystitis does not bother you anymore.



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