Emotion control. How to control your emotions correctly

Each person expresses his emotions in different ways. It is emotions that show our attitude to a particular moment in life, determining the feelings and reactions that make it clear to others how we relate to a particular life situation.

But sometimes our emotions can harm us, they can be inappropriate, wrong, betraying our true feelings or, showing our emotional state.

To prevent this from happening, a person must have a clear control of emotions. Today we’ll talk about how to control our emotions so that they don’t affect us badly, but on the contrary demonstrate to everyone only our good sides.

How to control your emotions correctly

First of all, you need to know how to control your emotions, such as feelings of anger, irritation, resentment, revenge, fear, which in the eyes of other people play a cruel joke with us, affecting their relationship.

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Ka to control your emotions: ways and tips

Controlling positive emotions is also equally important, because the emotions of joy, happiness, pleasure, delight can demonstrate your best sides, making you a more open person to communicate with others, but at the same time, opening all the cards about you to other people, you become more vulnerable .

To clearly understand how to control your emotions, you must understand the essence of your actions, that is, whether you are behaving appropriately now, whether you look adequate.

Even if it’s hard for you to control your emotions, the very fact that you understand the fallacy of your actions is already a step to learn to control your emotional state.

Only you and no one else should influence your emotions, and only you are responsible for what you do, whatever reasons precede your actions.

Soothing breathing exercises

To exercise your control over emotions, use calm breathing exercises.

Such calming breathing exercises are borrowed from yoga. If you find it difficult to control anger, anger, excitement, or fear, your physiological indicators change dramatically.

Negative emotions affect pressure, heart rate and heart rate. Therefore, it is worth performing several breathing exercises to calm down.

To perform the exercise you need to slowly, deeply and silently inhale through the nose, holding your breath as far as you can.

In these minutes, you will have time to think about what to do next. After that, exhale the air slowly and also soundlessly.

Repeat these calming breathing exercises several times until your body completely stabilizes all physiological parameters.

How to control your emotions with prayer

The miracles that faith can do can be amazing, unexpected, and even unrealistic. Therefore, when you do not know how to deal with emotions, pray.

Prayer will reassure you by helping to possess oneself in difficult times. Also, if you pray, you subconsciously tune in to a positive result for you, thereby coping with negative emotions.

Self-control will help to cope with emotions.

Another way to control your emotions will be auto-tuning and proper auto-suggestion.

Repeating mantras for self-hypnosis helps a person adequately get out of negative emotions by launching a program of proper behavior and self-control.

Typically, mantras for calming and controlling emotions are: "I am completely calm," I am not vulnerable, "" Screaming and quarreling are not a way out of the situation, "" I am not afraid. "

Meditation is the best control of emotions.

Also, meditation can help control your emotions, your body and spirit. For meditative calm you need to spend 30 minutes of time, but it's worth it.

Sessions of meditation will allow you to develop equanimity in yourself, while maintaining perfect calm in any case.

If you want to learn how to deal with emotions, fantasize

Fantasy is our vivid idea of ​​what it might be and wanted it to be in reality.

Think of an ideal for yourself that will serve as an everyday example of behavior, reaction, calm.

If it’s hard to come up with a fictional ideal, remember someone you know who knows how to control their emotions.

And when you have bad emotions, think about how this person would do, and do the same.

Counteract yourself to gain control over your emotions

If you realize that you are doing wrong, but can’t cope with emotions, use the method of counteraction.

If you want to do badly, do the opposite, want to scream, say something good, get angry - try to smile. Try to rebuild yourself on a positive and you will succeed.

Other ways to deal with emotions

If self-control is not your hobby, but you understand that you need to do something about your emotions, use the services of a psychologist, or visit special trainings where they will tell you and help you how to control your emotions and not let the negative take over you.

Remember, with bad thoughts, words and actions you can greatly offend people you love.

Better throw out your anger and resentment on a punching bag than make your loved ones suffer.

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