How to Get Rid of Mice and Rats: Rodent Control Tips

Little cute mice ... These animals often live at home as their favorite pets, which please their owners with their playfulness and restlessness.

But often these cute little mice become a nightmare for the inhabitants of the house. These nimble rodents spoil everything in the house, roam around the kitchen and other rooms, spoil clothes and other things, leave their feces wherever they have been.

The situation is not pleasant. But you need to take measures for anyone, because nobody will return the damaged things, rats and mice can harm human health, and the discomfort from the presence of animals running around the house is felt quite strongly.

We decided to tell how to get rid of mice, and also to name ways to get rid of rats on our own.

The fight against mice and rats can last a very long time, because getting rid of mice and rats is not such an easy task.

Since these pests breed very quickly, and their teeth are constantly growing, the damage done by mice and rats can be enormous. They even get to things that are not edible, such as wood and metal.

Ways to get rid of mice and rats

Tips for Getting Rid of Mice and Rats
How to get rid of rats

The most important rule in the fight against mice and rats is to maintain cleanliness in the house and keep order in the utility rooms. Mice will not live where they have nothing to eat.

The first way to get rid of mice and rats is to buy a mousetrap. Today they are very different, so there is plenty to choose from.

But a mousetrap will help get rid of mice and rats only if they are not very many. When the house is large, and even with utility rooms and basements, mice will be more difficult to bring out.

The second way, how to get rid of mice, and how to get rid of rats, get a cat in the house. The method is well-known and quite effective, but there is one thing ... If the cat is inexperienced in this matter, the mice will continue to spoil your property.

To get rid of mice and rats, you can buy traps and traps in a specialized store, the principle of which is based on attracting a rodent with something edible.

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How to get rid of mice

Some traps are made using glue that helps to catch the mouse by sticking it to the surface of the trap.

A cardinal way to deal with mice and rats is to fill the hole with boiled water or use special foam for this.

We remind you that these methods, how to get rid of mice, and how to get rid of rats, will suit you only if there are not so many mice.

Fundamental ways to get rid of mice, and how to get rid of rats, involve the use of chemical pesticides.

This method can most effectively cope with rodents, if there are a lot of them. Poisoned baits contain poison that paralyzes a mouse or rat, leading to the death of the pest.

Another method for getting rid of mice and getting rid of rats is to treat the place where mice and rats live with poisonous gas or spray chemicals.

It is best that such a method of combating mice and rats embody special services.

The mentioned methods of controlling rodents are effective, but using chemical spraying or aeration, be extremely careful not to harm your own health.

At the time of processing the room with chemicals, it is best to limit the stay in the house as much as possible.

Even mice and rats can be destroyed by ultrasound. Ultrasonic waves at a certain frequency act in mice and rats annoyingly.

This method makes rodents leave your house, because staying in it becomes unbearable.

Some of the above methods of fighting mice and rats are quite expensive.

Therefore, we decided to recommend you some more ways to destroy these bad neighbors based on herbs that our grandmothers used.

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Tips for Getting Rid of Mice and Rats

To destroy mice and rats, you can use tinctures of mint, black root, dried or fresh, elderberry, the smell of which is very unpleasant for mice, wormwood, tansy, rosemary, which also have a repelling aroma for mice and rats.

Named herbs will emit a strong and long-lasting odor if dried.

Our ancestors got rid of mice and rats with the help of ash, which was covered with habitats of pests. It turns out that the alkali contained in the ash corrodes the paws of the nimble little animals. Misha lick the wounds, thereby damaging the mucous membrane of the stomach and mouth.

So we called the ways to get rid of mice and rats. Remember that it is better to fight mice comprehensively, using several methods at once. Good luck to you.

How to Get Rid of Mice and Rats: Rodent Control Tips

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