Fighting ants at home. How to get rid of ants in a house

We ourselves create coziness and order in our house, and it depends only on us how clean and beautiful we have in the house. But what to do if there are uninvited guests in the house who violate all the hostess's ideas about order and cleanliness.

We are talking about such seemingly harmless insects as ants. Having settled in your house, ants become no better than cockroaches, appearing wherever you live.

To cope with these insects, we decided to tell how to get rid of ants in the house and apartment, how to get ants out forever, how to deal with ants in folk ways.

Fighting ants is the most relevant topic in the warm seasons. Quite a lot of residents today are faced with the question of how to get rid of ants in a house or apartment, because ants have long begun to settle in inaccessible places of our houses, where it is quite difficult to get them out.

Most often, red ants become the inhabitants of our houses. They are very small in size. Ants become even more misfortune during the period of creation of a new ant family.

Ants are modified in the winged and easily get into your home through open windows or doors.

If the ants settled in your home and you saw several of their representatives, be sure that your house is teeming with them.

Ants usually live in places where it will be more difficult to find them. Typically, these are skirting boards and cladding, floors, parquet and cracks in the walls.

But not the fact that the ants that got into your house live there. Since these insects are looking for food everywhere, they could find themselves in your home exclusively in search of food.

The most delicious delicacies for ants in your kitchen can be meat or sweets. It can be sweet compote, cake, fruit, etc.Kak izbavitsya ot muravyev v dome

Fighting ants is mandatory, because ants can harm

What can ants do in a house or apartment? It turns out that the presence of ants in the house can affect human health, because ants can become carriers of various diseases and infections.

Ants can ruin your plans, because if you prepare a dessert and leave it on the table unattended, in a matter of minutes your sweets will be covered with ants.

And finding an ant in coffee or tea is not very pleasant, and this is exactly what can happen if the ant gets into sugar and you do not see it.

Why do ants appear in the house?

Ants are looking for something to profit from, so when it is perfectly clean, they are unlikely to want to live in your apartment.

Well, if you have a sea of ​​dirty dishes in your kitchen, the garbage is not cleaned and crumbs are scattered everywhere, the ants will be happy with such a new dwelling.

Before getting rid of ants, clean up.

How to get rid of ants in a house and apartment

Fighting ants should set you on the lookout for an ant nest or the way ants get into your home. Since ants are fairly disciplined insects, figuring out where they live will not be difficult if you observe them.

When you find out where your roommates live, you can decide how to get rid of ants.

Today, chemical aerosols, special gels, soluble substances that kill these small insects are used to fight ants. They are, of course, effective, but if you are thinking about how to get rid of ants forever, you should know that ants can get used to the effects of these funds.

In addition, chemicals against ants can adversely affect human health.

To remove ants in the house, try not to be present at these procedures, as well as to properly ventilate the apartment from the smell of chemicals.

In three days the house will be completely ventilated, so this time, if possible, you should spend elsewhere.

How to Destroy Ants: Ant Control Tools

Known chemicals for combating ants, such as:

  • Combat
  • Raid (dichlorvosis),
  • Raid (traps),
  • Dohlox,
  • Raptor
  • Front line
  • Regent,
  • NEO Dichlorvos,
  • Runbit Zidane other.

More ways to destroy ants

Another way to get rid of ants involves the use of special traps.

Such traps attract insects with their smell, luring ants that want to steal a tidbit and take them to the anthill, thus infecting the entire ant nest.

Such a tool is more gentle in chemical composition, but it is better that children and pets can not get to it.

What to do to prevent ants from appearing in the house

To get rid of the ants in the house, it is best to prevent their appearance.

Maintain cleanliness and order, make sure that there are no crumbs and leftover food on the table and kitchen surface. Try to remove all sweets, meat and bakery products from places that can be accessed by ants.

Do not forget to take out the trash. It would seem that the garbage neatly folded in a bag can be of great interest to ants as a source of food.

Ant Fighting: Home Remedies Against Ants

And now we will tell you how to get rid of ants in a house or apartment, using proven home remedies for fighting ants.

If chemistry for extermination of ants for some reason does not suit you, alternative methods may well be able to help you out in the fight against these insects.

The first way to get rid of ants with the help of folk remedies involves the use of boric acid.

To make a bait for ants with your own hands, take a cooked yolk, add some sugar or honey, and only 20 g of boric acid. You can also use potatoes for bait balls.

Small baits are made from the prepared product, which should be put where the ants appear most often. The same poisonous agent can be prepared with borax. Soon the ants will disappear.

The second way to deal with ants involves mixing yeast and sugar. Such food will cause the effect of fermentation, spoiling all food reserves in the ant nest.

The third effective way to get ants out of the house is based on the influence of smells.

Yes, it is the smell of garlic, herbs such as mint, camphor, elderberry, mint, wormwood that can scare ants away from your home, forcing them to leave the house. The ants do not like the smell of sunflower oil.

If it’s not a problem for you, you need to wipe the baseboards with garlic and herbs or put them in places where ants live, this is your reliable way to get rid of ants.

The fourth way to get rid of ants is very famous. In order to destroy the ants, make a trap of double-sided tape. Take cardboard or any container, glue it with tape.

In the middle, leave a sweet treat for the ants. The method is good, but to cope with all the ants does not work.

A similar method of exterminating ants involves taking a can of sweetened water, in which the ants are simply drowning.

Another way to get rid of ants in the house is to leave the bait from the sweet coffee grounds. Coffee is bad for ants, so this method will destroy insects.

But the grandmothers, to get rid of the ants, sprinkled the places where the ants penetrated with salt, vinegar and even boiling water. Such grandmother's methods also helped get rid of ants.

You can also mark the places where the ants live with a special crayon that harms these insects.

Another alternative method, how to get rid of ants in the apartment, will be ultrasound.A special device can quickly save you from the presence of ants in the house.

Any procedure for combating ants needs to be repeated after a certain number of days.

We hope our tips on how to get rid of ants in the house and apartment will help you destroy these insects forever.




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