What are the hydromassage pools: types, classification

Hot pools allow you to organize your own mini spa center for rest and relaxation.

Today, there are many diverse options for changing the atmosphere and relaxing, but in the cluttered and hectic everyday life we ​​often do not have enough time to relax. Thanks to the progress, creating conditions for organizing a good rest will not be difficult even if you are at home.

Manufacturers use all kinds of technological innovations to interest the buyer. One of the most popular types of pools in the pool-building market is hydromassage pools (spa pools).

And this kind of pools you can find not only by that name. There are really a lot of names: spa pools, hydromassage pools, spa jacuzzi pools, portable hydromassage pools, mobile spa pools, etc. gidromassazhnyye-basseyny (2) Often, hydromassage pools (spa pools) are confused with a bathtub that uses the functions of hydromassage pools, so if you are told about hydromassage baths, you should think about whether this is a question.

Hydromassage pools (spa pools), namely their design, consists of a frame and a pool bowl, in which hydromassage procedures are directly carried out. Each manufacturer offers its own designer exclusive, so today everyone can find their own option, because there are really a lot of offers.gidromassazhnyye-basseyny (6)

Of course, hydromassage pools (spa pools) cannot be considered cheap purchases, but what you get in return is worth the money spent.

Usually professional hydromassage pools can be found in specialized spa salons, health centers, sports clubs and luxury hotels ...

And this is not surprising, because professional hydromassage pools are indeed an extraordinary place for relaxation and complete relaxation of the whole organism, for which it is worth paying money.gidromassazhnyye-basseyny (5)

Today hydromassage pools have many varieties. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the simple classification of these structures so that you can systematize your knowledge of dashings and easily choose the best option for this wonderful pool.

Hydromassage pools: types

Hydromassage pools are distinguished by the type of nozzles for water circulation:

Hydromassage pools with a hydromassage nozzle system carry out hydromassage procedures by creating alternate air and water jets.

Hydromassage pools are also made with combined nozzles, which combine not only hydromassage, but also special air massage nozzles that create jets of bubbles, water and air.gidromassazhnyye-basseyny (4)

The circulation nozzles can be mounted on the sides or bottom of the spa pool. It all depends on their purpose, namely, what type of massage they provide.

The shape of the hydromassage pools is divided into:

  • Round hydromassage pools
  • Rectangular whirlpools
  • Square Shaped Pools

Whirlpools of any configuration and shape will be appropriate for creating a relaxation zone, the only question is which design suits you, which form of spa pool will be most practical to use.

By type of massage, spa pools are distinguished:

  • Spa pools with hydromassage functions for the whole body.
  • Spa pools that hydromassage only certain parts of the body.

photographyHydromassage is created using hydromassage nozzles. Types of hydromassage nozzles and determine the type of spa massage.Choosing spa pools, you yourself decide which option you need, thereby providing the opportunity to relax, take care of your health, improve well-being, and preventive maintenance for the whole body.

Hydromassage pools are also distinguished by purpose:

There are professional hydromassage pools - they are used in specialized spa centers.

The most popular on the market are hydromassage pools for private use - such designs will delight their home owners.

By size, hydromassage pools are for 1-2 people; 2-4; 4-7 vacationers.

When choosing hydromassage pools, you need to decide on the number of seats, the number of sunbeds, whether there is a need for children.What are the hydromassage pools: types, classification

By location, the hydromassage pools are distinguished as follows:

Outdoor spa pools - hydromassage pools, which are located in the open space.

Built-in or portable hydromassage pools - these spa pools are suitable for the home, they are convenient for compact movement to the place you need.

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