Phrases to be excluded from your vocabulary when communicating with a child

When a baby appears in the family, there is no chapel of happiness. Everyone is happy with the little miracle, which claps with small eyes, still not understanding anything, but already feeling a lot.

Day after day the baby grows. Parents and relatives are trying in every possible way to educate the baby so that in the future he will grow up as an independent, self-confident person.

But raising a child is not such a simple task as it seems at first glance. Talking and explaining something to the baby, we can’t even imagine how the words we use and the methods of education will affect his character.

Today we decided to tell young mothers that you can’t tell the child, and what phrases can adversely affect the formation of the character of the baby, sometimes even violating his emotional perception of certain things.

What you can’t say to the child: phrases that can adversely affect the child’s psyche

Question: what can’t you tell the child is very important in raising a child, because, it would seem, simple words can really offend the baby, affecting his psyche and development poorly.chto nelzya govorit rebenku

What you can’t say to your child: horror words

First of all, in the list of phrases that you can’t tell the child, you need to include horror stories that parents often use in order to somehow cope with a naughty baby.

Parents scare little baby grandmother, wolf, bad uncle, doctor with a shot or a cop.

Yes, we understand that sometimes a baby may be so disobedient that it is quite difficult to calm him down. And at this moment you definitely do not think that you can’t tell the child, but bullying is a direct path to neurasthenia. It is unlikely that you want this for your crumbs.

If the child does not obey, there is no need to frighten him with dangers, try to explain to him that his behavior is bad, and how to do it to make you happy with him.

What you can’t say to the child: the phrase "Do not say nonsense"

Many parents use phrases to indicate to the child that they are saying incorrectly: "Do not say nonsense", "Do not carry nonsense", "Enough, this is nonsense" etc.

Believe me, these phrases are exactly what you can’t say to the child, because you are pointing out to the baby that his words are not important to you.

Yes, for adults, the baby’s reasoning may seem silly, but in fact, the little man speaks and argues as his age, development, and level of intelligence allow him. Do not expect the child to reason as an adult. This is stupid.

Listen better to the baby. Support him, try to understand, and your baby will be very happy.

What you can’t say to the child: "Leave me alone"

The list of phrases that cannot be said to the child includes the usual phrase of always busy parents who are ready to give the child everything he wants, if only he would not exhaust them with his requirements. “Take and finally fall behind”, “Take and leave me alone”, “Hold and do not bother me” say parents who are ready to give in, if only the child does not interfere when they are very busy.

Such a decision is a direct path to the alienation of children. The kid will understand that in this way he will get anything from you, so he will use this technique more often.

What you can’t tell your child: you won’t succeed

One of the worst phrases that parents use when communicating with a child: “You won’t succeed, I myself”, “You won’t be able to”... with these words you develop a feeling of insecurity and helplessness in the character of the baby. Already an adult, he will always be sure that he will not succeed.Do you want such a future for your crumbs? If not, discard these words from your vocabulary in communication with your own blood.

In order not to say so, tell the baby that you will help him, so he will feel your love and care, and will be very happy for your joint lesson.

What you can not tell the child: do not point out the baby to the abilities of others

In the rating of phrases that you can’t tell the child, the statement“Look, others can, but you can’t” and synonyms for this parental claim.

Again, would you like your heir to have an inferiority complex in the future? Replace this bad motivation or throw it away altogether.

Think about what you could be at that age. Did everything work out for you. Support the baby. For you, he must be the most intelligent, handsome and capable. And if not, only you can help your child become one.

What you can’t say to the child: get out of my sight

Tell the child that you do not want to see him or winged: “My eyes would not see you” It’s very dangerous, because you make it clear to the baby that he is not needed.

You should know that you can’t say such offensive words to your child, because he can become isolated and then you will have to make a lot of efforts to pull him out of this state.

What you can’t tell your child: Profanity

We will not name examples of foul language, but these words and phrases are exactly what you can not tell the child.

You want your child to grow up smart, polite, right. And how can this happen if you yourself use the words in communication that are not permissible for a cultured person. Throw such expressions out of your speech, because they badly affect your baby.

What you can’t say to the child: do not make the child feel guilty

Desperate parental phrases like “If it weren’t for you ...”, “Why are you like me?”, “It would be better if you weren’t” can create a constant and indelible guilt in a child, a feeling that his existence is bad and painful for parents. Do not injure the baby's psyche, because such statements can lead to disastrous results.

never blame the baby. Perhaps it's up to you and you should understand this, and not shift the load of your problems to the children.

What you can not tell the child: You are bad

There are a lot of synonyms of the concept that parents often use when trying to indicate to the child his tricks and behavior. “You are stupid”, “You are naughty”, “You are evil”, “You are bad” - parents often say, without thinking that in this way they model a very low self-esteem in a child.

No need to generalize. Tell the child that he did poorly, but do not say that he is bad, point out the mistake, but do not call the children stupid.

What you can not tell the child: I do not love you

in the rating of phrases that you can’t tell the child, it’s very offensive for the baby: "I do not love you".

You, of course, understand that this is nonsense, and you love your children. But, unfortunately, children do not have such confidence. The worst thing for a baby is that his relatives do not like him. So why scare children with such words ...

What can’t tell the child: I will give you, give up, leave you ...

“I will leave you”, “I will give you”, “I will leave you” some parents say to make the baby obey. Believe me, from this the children will not begin to obey. They will simply get used to such phrases, but the fear that they want to get rid of them can bring about serious mental problems.

What you can’t tell the child: you are my best

You say what’s bad here. Yes, you need to praise your child, but do not forget that praise is also necessary wisely.

If you overdo it, the child can grow up selfish and narcissistic Narcissus, who will treat people down. Usually, such people always think only of themselves and their interests, stepping over everyone who can affect their comfort or intentions.

Praising a child is necessary, no doubt.But, besides this, you should develop in your child a sense of respect for other people, a sense of conscience and compassion, etc.

The list of phrases that you can’t tell the child is very long. But we didn’t want to point you to specific phrases, but to the attitude that you need to beware of when communicating with children so that they grow up mentally balanced and in the future are happy and confident people.

Try to understand your baby, do not try to make yourself a child. Your baby is a person, not an appendage to you, so communicate with him as a person. Respect your child, appreciate him even for the smallest achievements, and then he will grow up to be a good and self-sufficient person.

We hope you understand that you cannot tell a child, and how to behave with children so that after many years you do not regret what kind of people they raised.



Phrases to be excluded from your vocabulary when communicating with a child

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