Stainless steel cleaning: how and how to clean stainless steel pans

chistka nerzhaveyki (2)
Stainless steel cleaning at home

Cleaning stainless steel is a common thing for any housewife, because stainless steel cookware is in almost every home.

Chistka posudy iz nerzhaveyki (4)
How to clean pots and stainless steel pans

Stainless steel pans are convenient to use, have good external characteristics, are resistant to high temperature, corrosion, stubborn stains.

But be that as it may, any utensils during use require some care and cleaning. Today we will tell you how to clean stainless steel pans, which homemade stainless steel cleaner is better, how to clean stainless steel pans correctly.

Stainless Steel Cleaning: How to Clean Stainless Steel Pans Properly

Cleaning stainless steel, in particular cleaning stainless steel utensils can be triggered not only by prolonged use, but also by improper use.

Chistka posudy iz nerzhaveyki (2)
Stainless steel pans must be cleaned immediately after use

To prevent stainless steel pots and pans from losing their presentation and rapid wear, try to clean the stainless steel every time after cooking.

This way you can more easily deal with dirt and remove fresh spots much faster. Pots and pans made of stainless steel can be subject to rust and other negative factors, losing their protective layer if the stainless steel is contaminated with fat.

It is better not to wash the stainless steel in a dishwasher; you should clean the stainless steel by hand.

How and how to clean a stainless steel pot and pan

If it is necessary to remove finger stains and water stains from stainless steel, apply window cleaner and wipe with microfiber.

Chem chistit kastryuli iz nerzhaveyushchey stali
What are the best stainless steel cleaners?

Stainless steel dishes must be cleaned with detergent and a soft sponge. When the dishes are washed, take a towel and wipe its surface to avoid new stains. To prevent scratches from appearing on your pan, remove abrasive products from improvised items.

Chistka posudy iz nerzhaveyki (1)
How to clean stainless pots and other stainless steel items

Also, do not give preference to hard sponges and metal washcloths. From water on the dishes, stains may remain due to the minerals that it contains. Wipe the dishes dry - there will be no stains and stains. To make the stainless steel pot shine, cut the potatoes and wipe the stainless steel.

Kak chistit kastryuli iz nerzhaveyki (1)
Stainless steel cookware can be cleaned with soda, salt, vinegar, etc.

Cleaning stainless steel from oily stains with soda is a very effective way. Before cleaning stainless steel pans with soda, wash the dishes with plain water, wipe dry. And then, taking half a glass of soda and mixing it with water, apply soda to the surface of the pan and leave for several hours. After soda cleaning, remove the soda with a towel.

If you decide to choose a store tool to clean pots and stainless steel, heat the stainless steel in hot water before washing. Then treat the dishes with the product. After 10 - 15 minutes, rinse the stainless steel pan with a sponge under warm water and wipe dry.

Sredstvo dlya chistki nerzhaveyushchey stali
Salt solution also cleans stains and soot from stainless pans

Another answer to the question of how to clean a pan or stainless steel pan, heat it. For this, take the container in which you put your pan. Pour water so that it covers the stains. Boil water (with a pan), and then add salt to the water, leaving the dishes in saline for 2 to 3 hours. After a salt bath, wash the pan with a soft sponge and clean water.

Stainless steel can be cleaned of burnt milk using crushed activated carbon and water.Leave the prepared cleaning agent in the pan for 10 - 15 minutes, and then rinse the dishes with clean water.

Stainless steel can be cleaned of burnt milk using crushed activated carbon and water. Leave the prepared cleaning agent in the pan for 10 - 15 minutes, and then rinse the dishes with clean water.

Kak chistit kastryuli iz nerzhaveyki (2)
How to clean stainless steel from carbon deposits and stains

They also clean the stainless steel with vinegar. Pour vinegar into a pot or pan for 10 to 15 minutes. After the vinegar works, wash the stainless steel with dishwashing detergent and wipe dry.

An old home stainless steel cleaner is made from soda, stationery glue and detergent in a proportion of 5 liters. water, half a pack of soda, 100 ml. glue and a little dish detergent.

Place contaminated dishes in a container with a solution, boil it for 15 - 20 minutes. Wash the cooled pan in clean hot water.

chistka nerzhaveyki (1)
We clean stainless steel coffee grounds

Enterprising housewives clean stainless steel with lemon juice and coffee grounds. Using a prepared product, stainless steel items are cleaned, then everything is thoroughly washed with water.

Now you will know how to clean stainless steel pots and how to clean stainless steel correctly.

We hope our stainless steel cleaning tips will help you put your pots, pan and other stainless steel items in the proper shape.

Stainless steel cleaning: how and how to clean stainless steel pans

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