Pain during menstruation: what pills for pain during menstruation help

boli pri mesyachnykh tabletki (4) Pain in menstruation excites a very large number of women. Given the degree of pain during menstruation, a woman’s behavior pattern is emerging these days.

For some, this is a slight irritation, or loss of appetite, and someone sways on the floor, dodging pain, fever, vomiting, etc.

Today, pain during menstruation can be reassured if you use the right pills for pain during menstruation.boli pri mesyachnykh tabletki (5)

Girls and women should know that like any other medication, pain pills for menstruation should be prescribed by a doctor, because self-medication is not the best for your health.

If you go to the doctor, he will prescribe the best pain pill for you for menstruation.

You will also undoubtedly hear that pain during menstruation is an abnormal phenomenon. Something in the body is not working properly.

In addition, pain during menstruation can be a veiled signal of endometriosis, fibroma, myoma, endometrial polyp, etc.

If the pain during menstruation is regular, do not be lazy, go to the doctor to be fully examined.boli pri mesyachnykh tabletki (1)

If the pain during menstruation is very strong, it is necessary to relax the abdominal muscles. Lie on your back or side and bend your knees to your chest. The pain during menstruation is also calmed by a warm heating pad. a small amount of alcohol should also soothe pain during menstruation. Do not take alcohol at the same time as tablets.

If pain during menstruation has become completely unbearable, we bring to your attention a list of drugs "Pills for pain during menstruation."

Pills for menstruation pain available in pharmacies: list of drugs

Before you familiarize yourself with our list of “Pills for pain during menstruation,” remember that when using a particular drug, you need to carefully read the instructions, understand the contraindications, and it is best to consult a doctor before taking medications.boli pri mesyachnykh tabletki (3)

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills for pain during menstruation

  • Analgin
  • Sedalgin
  • Spazmalgon
  • Nise
  • Baralgin
  • Naproxen
  • Tempalgin
  • Ketonal
  • Ibuprofen
  • Indomethacin
  • Novalgin
  • Ronalgin
  • Aspirin
  • Spazdolzin
  • Paracetamol
  • Piroxicam
  • Diclofenac
  • Indomethacin
  • Ketoprofen
  • Minalgin
  • Nebagin
  • Nobol
  • Optalgin
  • Pyrethine

The list is long and here you will definitely find a drug that will relieve your pain.

boli pri mesyachnykh tabletki (2)Hormonal drugs - pills for pain during menstruation

  • Dufaston
  • Ovidon
  • Yarina
  • Anti-wine
  • Diana 35
  • Triziston

Antispasmodic tablets for pain during menstruation

  • No-shpa
  • Drotaverine
  • Papaverine
  • Halidor
  • Buscopan

boli pri mesyachnykh tabletki (1)Soothing pills for pain during menstruation


We hope that pills for pain during menstruation of one type or another will help you, and you will forget about the unpleasant mood, headaches, abdominal pain and other symptoms that accompany critical days.

Be healthy!


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